Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where do we live?  NORTH CAROLINA!  Yippee!  Everyone learned that today!  It was a very proud moment!  AND.....we learned the first three digits of our phone numbers.....luckily they were all 704!  We plan to put the phone number into a song to help the children remember, but it may take some time.  Christmas is our goal! 

Our book today, Where People Live by Margie Burton, showed us all the different areas that people can live.  Some live near the beach, some live by a lake, some live in the mountains, and some live in a desert.  It had some wonderful pictures of what those houses might look like.

For art, we made our "dream houses".  Everybody selected their favorite door and four windows for their house.  We glued and colored.  It was fun to learn the names of all the parts of a house.  Ms. Tiffany even had a special song with hand motions to help us remember.

Ms. Angela came today and the lesson was all about jumping and running.  We always begin with a whole body warm up to If You're Happy and You Know It....where we stretch, bend, and twist our bodies.  Then two at time we ran in a relay race where we had to sort colored balls into the correct matching tub.  The new activity for the day was bouncing balls.  These are bright yellow balls with handles that the kids sit on and bounce around.  Some kids were a little hesitant at first, but it looked like such fun, everyone gave it a try!  Ms. Angela also brought back the barrel from last week and we did some balancing on top before we jumped.  Everyone was a little more comfortable with the jumping this time!  Practice makes perfect!!

The playground still had puddles from the rain last night.....so we splashed around again today!  Our Weekday friends were a little more interested in getting wet today.  (Their teachers were not very happy about that!!)  The funny part is that when we walked out to find our cars this afternoon.....the tire swing with the biggest puddle was roped off so nobody could get near the water!  We laughed and said that would be hard to explain to the kiddos tomorrow!  Maybe the sun will dry everything out and we won't have to worry about it!!

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