Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I can hardly believe how fast this week has flown by!  With all the fun new things we introduced on Tuesday and Wednesday, it was nice to have a "regular" day today!  The kiddos were so talkative and interactive today.  I wanted to record how noisy lunch was with everyone talking to each other! 

Today's book was The Daddy Book by Todd Parr.  Yesterday....Mommies.  Today.....Daddies.  We try to play fair!  This book was about how daddies do different things to help us.  Some daddies read to us, some daddies sing to us, and some daddies play with us.  Don't take this personal Mommies, but the kiddos REALLY liked the daddy book! 

Outside on the playground it was wonderful to see the kids playing with each other.  They took turns pushing each other on the swing and built sandcastles together.  They were running and playing ball with our friends from the Weekday School.  It was neat to see how comfortable they all are in only 2 weeks time!

For art today, we made Family Trees!  Each branch has a different person's name on it.  We talked about how all the people in our families are important and special.  The kids loved putting on the green fingerprint leaves. Getting messy is always the best part!!

We ended this wonderful Thursday with a special music time.  The kids each picked an instrument to play from the bucket.  We had recorders, drums, bells, whistles, and tambourines!  I am sure that the church office workers wondered where all the BEAUTIFUL music was coming from!  It was loud, but it was so much fun!  The kids didn't even mind when we stopped and traded instruments with our friends.  What a fun way to end the last day of school for the week!  Have a great weekend!  We'll see you....and your kiddos.....next week!

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