Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rainy days are really LONG!!  Everyone was kinda crabby today because we couldn't go outside.  We attempted to go out, but the downpour made us decide to turn around and play inside today.  To be honest, it made me feel kinda crabby too!  There was a lot going on in the room during playtime, so even though no one was bored, it isn't the same as going out to play with our Weekday friends. 

Our book today, Franny's Friends by Catarina Kruusval, was about a little girl's adventures with her seven friends.  Each child pretended to be one of the seven friends as we acted out the story. We also did a story sequencing activity using the pictures from the book to help us remember. 

Art was a big success today!  Everyone had colored slips of paper that they decorated with crayons and stickers.  Then we gave one bracelet to each of our classroom friends.  Everyone ended up with six different colored bracelets.....one for each of their friends at school!  Susannah was pink, Gianni was yellow, Garrett was white, Henry was orange, Jack was green, and Reid was blue!  They loved making the bracelets....but everyone needed a little encouragement to share their creations with their friends!

No school tomorrow!  Your children have all made so much progress in three short weeks!  They are learning the days of the week, their friend's names, and the words to so many new songs!  They are each such a joy.....thank you so much for trusting me to teach them!  See you Tuesday!

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