Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, September 8, 2011

One whole week of preschool finished!!  Tiffany and I had a wonderful time with your children this week.  We hope that they are having a great time with us too.  

Today we read What I Like by W.E. Strauss about things we like to do outside.  Everyone named all the fun things that they like to do on our playground at school and at home with their families.  Some of the things were the same as what the girl in the story like to do and some of them were different.

During science, we talked about fruits that we all like to eat.  We cut up four of our favorites (an apple, a peach, a lemon, and a plum) to see what was inside.  Although they all had seeds, none of them looked the same.  Some were big and some were little.  We all made a chart to help us remember. 

While walking to the playground today, we got to see all the people getting ready for the Greek Festival.  There were policemen, firemen, city buses, and school buses.  There was music playing, festival rides, and LOTS of people. 

During our Learning Centers today, we read a short book called My Body which went over some of our body parts.  We used Mr. Potato Head to help reinforce and practice the names of our body parts.  The kids really enjoyed changing the faces to create different characters.  It was definitely one of the highlights from the day!

Our first car pool line was a big success! I think that everyone left school today completely worn out.... teachers included!!  Have a wonderful weekend!  See you all on Tuesday!

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