Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Learning about where we live is very important!  People can live in all kinds of houses, but animals live in some pretty strange places!  Birds live in nests, bears live in caves, and fish live in the water.  During our book today, Who Lives Here by Rozanne Williams, we got to see some animals in their animal "houses".  Ms. Gail and her "green friends" even had a caterpillar that they found outside living in the dirt yesterday that they saved to show us this morning.  We talked about how different living in dirt would be from living in our nice houses! Everyone took a turn to touch the caterpillar....everyone except Ms. Kelly....who isn't very fond of bugs!

Ms. Michelle was back again today and she had some great new things!  We went through an obstacle course with hoops to go through, beams to walk on, and beams to jump over.  After all that, we had to get on our tummies and push ourselves under some more beams on the scooters, using just our arms!  It was a wonderful workout.....and we got to practice all sorts of location words (prepositions)! For a final sensory blast (and some pre-writing skills practice), Ms. Michelle had a table with shaving cream all over it!  We made shapes and lines in the shaving cream, then "erased" and started again!  There was a lot of communciation during this activity.....asking for more, showing our friends what we made, even using our senses to describe the shaving cream!  We got it everywhere!  So....if your kiddo came home today smelling EXTRA clean....that's why! 

Playing outside was especially fun today because there were so many puddles to splash and explore.  Our Weekday friends preferred to stay nice and dry, but not us!  We have a special fondness for anything messy!

We sorted animal homes and people homes and used our prepositions again to tell where the animals were.  In, out, under, on top, up, and down were the words that we practiced the most.  Ms. Tiffany had a picture of a house and, during centers, we took turns naming and identifying all the shapes.  There were triangles, squares, circles, and rectangles.  Everybody could point to all the shapes, but some of them were really hard say!  We will keep practicing!

Ms. Ellen stopped by to visit today!  We were all so excited that she is back safely!  Maybe she will bring in some pictures from her trip to Kenya for Show and Tell one day?! 

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