Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2:  The kiddos are adjusting well to their routine and beginning to know their new friends by name.  It is so exciting to see them starting to form friendships and ask about people who are missing.  We all missed Jack today.  We hope he feels better and can join us again tomorrow!

Today on the playground there were 2 new classes of friends to meet.  It was great to have so many kiddos running around having a great time.  There were kids working together to push each other on the swings and others pretending to be pirates in a pirate ship.  We all had fun in the nice fall-like weather!

Our book today was Hands Can by Cheryl Hudson.  It was about all the things that we can do with our hands like catching a ball, hugging our friends, waving, and playing peek-a-boo.  We made a chart and pasted pictures from the book to help us recall things from the story. 

We painted today during art.  It was a very stressful moment for Tiffany and I, but the kids LOVED it!  So if your child came home with red paint on their fingers or faces.....forgive us.  We might have missed a few spots during clean up! OOPS!

Ending the day with music is always a big hit.  We take requests, and the kids are always full of suggestions!  Today we sang Five Little Monkeys, Five Green Speckled Frogs, and What's Your Name.  Tomorrow is the last day of the week for our class!  I can't believe how fast time the week is going.  It's true....time flies when you are having fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelly! Jack is feeling much better today and will be back tomorrow. He really missed going to school today! We'll see you in the morning.
