Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Well, I'm almost positive that everyone went home completely worn out today!  I know I did!

Show and Tell this morning was fabulous!  Susannah told us all about her Dora doll that talks in Spanish.  Joseph showed us his bouncy balls from the prize box at home for reading 20 books.  The kiddos in the audience are getting the hang of the listening part.....they, of course, would all rather be showing and telling!

Ms. Angela from Young Athletes came for the first time today and really gave us a workout!  There was even a warm up and a cool down!  We are talking a REAL workout people!  She had races and an obstacle course set up for the kids.  The best part was all the structure of the activites that required taking turns, waiting,  and following directions.  I promise to post some pictures later!!

Our book today was Where is My Mommy by Julie Downing.  It was about animal babies who were looking for their mommies and all the things our mommies help us do.  The mommies in the story helped the babies take a bath, gave hugs, played, and brought food.  There were lots of kiddos saying "my mommy too" when we were reading!  We matched and sorted animal mommies and babies for one of our center activities while singing "Where's my mommy?". 

We barely made it through music time.....so many yawns and tired eyes!  I'm sure that some of them were asleep before you left the parking lot!!  I think that's one definition of a VERY successful day at preschool!!

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