Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

There was so much fun learning going on today, the rainy weather didn't slow us down at all! Everyone came with rain jackets, so even though we missed the monsoon in the morning.....we were well prepared!

Our book today was Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni.  It's a book about a blue circle who is best friends with a little yellow circle.  When they hug, something really cool happens.....they become green!  We made a chart of all of our favorite colors, but the kids really wanted every color to be "picked", so I'm not sure our results were very accurate!

For art we mixed blue and yellow to make green.  We learned our lesson with the painting last time, so all the kiddos wore trash bag smocks AND the table was covered with brown paper!  Even though Susannah went home with blue streaks in her hair, it was much less messy than our last experience! We promise fun at The Speech Garden....not necessarily neat!!  We won't send this project home until it has time to dry in the classroom!

Ms. Anglea came today and it was a blast!  After our warm up, we took turns jumping over hurdles that she had set up.  Some needed little jumps, but some were higher, and needed bigger jumps. Then she taught us how to run a relay race!  It was so much fun cheering on our friends during the race.  The kiddos all did an amazing job waiting their turn and encouraging each other to do their best!  Ms. Angela had a trampoline that we all took turns jumping on while counting to 10.  Right before it was time to go, she brought out the favorite activity of the day.....barrel jumping!  Each kiddo climbed up on top of the barrel (about 3 feet tall) and stood up, and jumped up off!  Some needed a little more hand holding, but everyone jumped!  And the smiles on their faces.....priceless!  LOTS of pictures to come!

We did make it outside....but by then, all our jackets sat on the picnic table while we played!  Lots and lots of fun today!  At the end of each day, the kids all ask, "school tomorrow?".  I think that's a good indicator that they are having a great time learning!!  See you tomorrow!

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