Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We made it!!  The first day of preschool was a huge success!!  Today we spent the day getting familiar with each other and our new routine.  The rain held off, thankfully,  so we got to go outside on the playground with our friends from DUMC weekday school.  It was windy, but we had lots of fun. 

The book we read today was called Every One Has a Name by Richard Browner.  It was about how all animals are different, so each one has a different name.  Our art activity was about our names and how we had some letters in common, but nobody in our class has the same name. 

We had a wonderful lunch with the TK class.  I am thinking of setting up a schedule for Mommies to bring me lunch to school....you guys make awesome lunches for your kiddos!  Of course, I'm just kidding, but my apple and granola lunch really didn't compare.  After lunch, we were fading fast, so we did some quick center time in math and literacy groups.  We finished the day with a few of our favorite preschool songs and then it was time to go home! 

Today was a GREAT day.....after a nap I will be ready for tomorrow!  Enjoy the evening......

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