Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today started our week talking all about FRIENDS!  We read a book called Help! A Story of Friendship by Holly Keller.  In the book, Mouse got stuck in a hole and all his friends had to work together to find a way to get him out.  Even though Mouse was scared of his friend Snake, he was the one friend who was able to help him get out of the hole. We talked about all the ways that we can help our friends at school. 

During art time we made a wreath of our friends hands.  We have been working really hard to learn each other's names, and the kiddos are really catching on. Everyone had to call each other's name to receive a colored hand.  Then we glued them down in a circle.  It will be fun to practice our friends name's at home.

Ms. Michelle was back today with all kinds of new games for us to play.  She set up inside today because we all thought we might get rained on outside.  We even took our shoes off to get more sensory input through our feet!  We did lots of jumping, hopping, and wheelbarrow walking.  Ms. Michelle helped us blow things across the floor with straws.  She had a big bowl of rice with hidden shapes inside. We had to use tongs to find the shapes.  We LOVE all the cool things that Ms. Michelle brings for us!

We did get a little sprinkle while we were on the playground today. It wasn't enough to get wet, but all the kiddos (our Weekday friends included) ran around from teacher to teacher talking about the raindrops. The kids loved it!  We had to change the weather board from cloudy to rainy when we got back inside! 

Get some rest tonight.....Ms. Angela comes tomorrow! 

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