Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What is the EARTH and how can we take care of it?  We learned that turning off the lights when we aren't in a room, using both sides of a piece of paper, planting trees, picking up litter, and recycling are just a few ways to help keep our Earth happy and healthy!

Today's book The Earth Book by Todd Parr gave some specific examples of why we should take of Earth.  We save water so that the fish will have plenty of water to swim in.....we don't throw trash on the ground so that the animals will have clean homes.....and we turn off lights to save energy.  So much to learn and the kids were so interested.  (Earlier in the year, we made them all germ aware and gave them healthy food knowledge .....and now we may have created little "green" children who are socially conscious!!)

We spent some time during language circle talking about why everyone uses green and blue when they draw the Earth.  Green for the grass (and land) and blue for the water.  We needed these facts to help us complete our art today.....which was Earth Art.  We decorated coffee filters with green and blue markers.  They didn't look all that spectacular UNTIL we sprayed them with a water bottle!  The colors started to bleed together to make beautiful works of art.  We keep them overnight to dry.....but I can't wait for you to see!

Ms. Michelle had an obstacle course with balance beams and bowling for everyone to complete.  We made wind with the big parachute and tried to keep several balls from falling off the top while we each held a handle and shook it up and down.  It was a workout!!  She also had some bandannas for us to practice folding into shapes.  Ms. Michelle explained that folding into a rectangle and a triangle are age appropriate skills for our kiddos!  It was definitely a difficult task for all of them.....so now you can request special help with folding the laundry.....as a therapy activity!!

16 more days!!!

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