Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Touch and Feel this morning was all the recyclable products that we collected over the weekend. I wasn't sure what the children were going to do with the stuff, but their imagination far exceeded my expectations. They found pretend telephones, telescopes, the makings for a really great tea party....and, of course.....musical instruments!! Who knew that trash could be so much fun!

To "clean up" from the morning mess, we sorted all the recyclables into categories: paper and plastic. The children did very well with this.....and they thought it was great to cheer each other on during this process.

The cheering continued as we went outside to join Ms. Angela. After a much needed warm-up (the weather was a little chilly), we practiced our hockey aims. There was a course set up and the kids took aim, and made their way through the courtyard. The object was NOT to use their hands.....but that didn't come very naturally to any of them! Ms. Angela is so much fun....the whole time is filled with laughter!

Our book today was Are We Hurting The Earth? by Margie Burton and Friends. This book reviewed all the ways that we could help keep the Earth clean and healthy. We talked about how at Preschool we could only use one squirt of soap in the bathroom, one paper towel, and make sure the lights were off when we left the room. TSGI is on a mission to do our part to take care of the Earth!

Art was a big hit! We took the recycled materials and made Trash People. The kids had so much fun designing their person. Some even found hats and earrings for their people! With a little direction, they created some great art!

We ended the day by celebrating Gianni's birthday with cookies. The kids all sang very loudly.....they have been getting lots of practice lately! LOTS of birthday kiddos this time of year!!

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