Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rainy days inside make for LONG days at preschool!  Lots of grumpy faces arrived at school this morning which was not a happy way for the teachers to start the day!  We worked through all that in a morning circle time where everyone expressed their feelings and we gave each other COMPLIMENTS!  That was an unexpected vocabulary bonus for this week.....the kids love using big words and really understanding what they mean.....and it's kinda neat for us to hear too!

We learned some new weather songs today in a special music time.  The rainy weather interfered with our playground time, which turned out not to be a huge deal.  The kids haven't had a free-play, center time in so long, we decided that might be a good thing to do.  There were puzzles, farm animals, blocks, books, and a writing center.  I think everyone took a turn at the writing center.  Drawing, writing, tracing, coloring letters.....guess that's not really "work" to them yet!!

Our book today was Storm is Coming by Heather Tekavec.  It's a story about farm animals who get very scared when the farmer tells them to hurry to the barn because Storm is coming!  They don't really know what a "storm" is, but as each sign of the storm appears (wind, rain, thunder, and lightning), they are reassured that those things will scare Storm away.  It is a cute book and the kids listened so intently.  Then everyone took a turn sharing about a storm that they could remember.  Some days it's REALLY hard to tell that this is a communication preschool.....and that makes me smile!!

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