Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thankfully the sun came out today, so we could explore the lesson on shadows!  The kids enjoyed running and jumping and watching their shadows move in the same way. We looked at shadows of trees, playground equipment, the church.....and did you know.....even sticks have shadows??  After a short experiment, the kids all now know that you need bright light or the sun to make a shadow.  We tried really hard to find our shadows in the shade and in the dark.....but, they weren't there!

Ms. Michelle came today and played a really fun letter game with us.  Each child picked an animal card, named the animal, and identified the written letter on the back of the card.  Ms. Michelle helped everyone trace that letter, then find the matching letter from the floor.  After that, the child had to find their letter in the alphabet and put it in the correct spot.  Then....they had to find a puzzle letter from a tub of beans and put that piece in the puzzle.  MANY STEPS.....but they each knew their letter when they were done!  Lots of practice with the same thing, in a bunch of different ways!!  Ms. Michelle also brought the tunnel and some circles that make sound when you jump on them.  The kids were breathing hard after a couple turns at each! 

The book today was Guess Whose Shadow! by Stephen Swinburne.  It a book that explains what shadows are and how everything has a shadow of it's own.  At the end of the book it shows different shadows and the kids have to guess what is making that shadow.  Once they got the hang of it....they got every one right.  They even started high-fiving each other!

13 more days.....

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