Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What a GREAT first day back at school from Spring Break!  The kids all had so many fun stories to share with their friends about things that they did and places they visited.  It was so good to see them all again.....and by the looks of their suntans, many of you spent some of the break outside!

Today's book was Grow Flower, Grow by Lisa Bruce.  It's the story of a little girl named Fran who decides to grow her very own flower.  She tells it to grow, and when that doesn't work, she decides it must be hungry.  Fran feeds the flower all of her favorite foods: pizza, cheeseburgers, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, and spaghetti.  The flower still won't grow.  By this time, Fran is very frustrated and throws the flowerpot outside.  It rains on the flower...the sun shines on the flower....the wind blows on the flower....and to Fran's surprise.....a beautiful flower grows!

We spent the time after the story, talking about what plants need to grow.  Although the kids all thought it was funny to feed the plants "people food", we agreed that it's not really what plants need.  We made a chart of the FIVE things that plants need.  We will need that chart tomorrow when we start our planting.  As always, we found a song to make learning those five things a little more fun!!

Ms. Michelle came today and we got to be outside!!  She had stations set up with different coordination activities.  Everyone's favorite seemed to be bouncing a balloon on a small, hand-held trampoline-like things.  The courtyard gave plenty of room to run after the balloons......the wind also helped make this activity a little more challenging! 

I think that we sent all the children home tired today....getting back into the routine is SOOO difficult! 

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