Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Despite the chilly weather outside, we spent all day learning about spring! 

We read How A Seed Grows by Helene Jordan.  This book tells how a seed changes and grows into a plant.  It explains the planting process…..and examines the seed at each change.  We could see the seed burst open and start to grow the roots.  Next the stem started to grow up from the dirt.  Then leaves started to unfold.  And finally, a flower bloomed.  The kids watched and listened intently, so anxious to find out what was going to happen next.
For our science lesson, we learned the parts of a plant.  Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.  We found a cute Dr. Jean song, to which we added body motions, that could help us remember.  I have added it below so that you do it at home!
Then we HAD to get dirty….so we gave out cups and dirt…..and got to planting!!  Everyone chose a seed from our multitude of seeds (sunflower, popcorn, bean, grass, and pumpkin) that they wanted to plant.  We gave our plants all the things on our list from yesterday…..and now we wait!  Keep your fingers crossed that we can actually grow something!
Ms. Angela came today and we practiced kicking, trapping the ball, and balancing.  The entire time she promised the kiddos that if they listened and followed directions, she had a GREAT, BIG surprise at the end.  She built the suspense as they kicked a soccer ball, trapped it with their feet, passed to a friend, and shot the ball in the goal.  Then…..she brought out this HUGE, multi-colored ball.  Each child took a turn sitting on top of the ball and balancing while Ms. Angela rolled it from side to side.  Some children needed more encouraging (and hand holding) than others…..but everyone took a turn!
We’ve started a countdown to the end of school…..only 18 days left!!  The kids love the countdown activity, but they all say that they don’t want to have summer……they want to come back to this school!!  EVERYDAY!!  As endearing as that is…..I think I’ll let you spend some time with them this summer!!

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