Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Now I know the secret.....if the kiddos are having a bad day.....we are going to invite Mr. George the photographer to come to school!  He was like magic today!  I have never seen such a group of picture hams!!  I will be surprised if anyone gets individual shots.....the kids were on top of each other trying to get his attention!

The book we read today was called The Story of a Seed.  It showed how all plants come from seeds, but seeds come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.  We learned how seeds grow....first the roots, then the sprout, and then the plant.  We practiced being seeds and growing with our bodies.  First, down for the roots, then up, for the plant.  The kids LOVE when we take a story and put some movements to it to help us remember! 

I would like to take a moment to thank the Gerber Daisy that sacrificed itself today in the name of a wonderful science lesson.  Flower Dissection!  We completely took the plant apart.....roots, stem, leaves, and flowers.....to show the class each separate part.  Once we studied it carefully, each child glued their plant back together on a piece of paper to take home.  I couldn't believe how pretty this science/art project turned out to be!! I took the remnants home to plant in my garden.....we'll see if a recovery is possible!!

17 days until SUMMER!  Yes....the teachers keep count too!

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