Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We fought the sugar highs all day today!  We wondered if you fed the children Valentine's Day candy for dinner last night AND for breakfast!!  They were very.....let's call it.....active!! Having said that....it was an absolutely beautiful day outside for us to burn off some excess energy!!  I strongly suggest that you continue you that at home.....for your own sanity!!

The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning started our discussion about warm fuzzies and cold pricklies.  In the story Owen wants to send his Granny a giant hug for her birthday.  The problem is that his Granny lives far away so he has to send his hug through the mail.  Owen hugs the mailman, who passes the hug along to the person who sorts the mail, and so on, all the way until it finally gets to Granny.  As this hug gets passed along, something starts to happen.....their attitude changes!!  It makes them happy!!

The whole class made a list of things that make us feel warm and fuzzy.....hugs, kisses, smiles, nice words, listening to our parents and teachers, and presents all made the list!  We made a pact to try everyday to do Warm Fuzzy things.  These things make us and our friends happy.  Our next list was a list of things that make us feel cold and prickly.  Hitting, punching, kicking, sticking out our tongues, ugly words.....and um.....licking other people made this list.  I just write it down folks!!  I wasn't totally surprised that the Cold Prickly list was much easier for the children to generate! 

For art, we used pom poms (Warm and Fuzzy) and the sticky side of Velcro (Cold and Prickly) to help us remember the difference.  The kids were on a roll the rest of the day, calling each other out for, either being Warm and Fuzzy or Cold and Prickly! 

We sent home a coupon for A Giant Hug with all the kids today!!  Cash it in whenever you need a Warm Fuzzy to help get you through the day!!!

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