Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our book for today, We Need Pharmacist by Helen Frost, helped us learn about the things we would see and talk about on our Out and About.  There was lots of new vocabulary.....so we made a list to help us remember what to look for while we were on our visit!

The Out and About had beautiful weather!  No coats (or rain gear!) needed!  We met Ms. Jamie and Mr. Josh at Dilworth Drug.  They gave us a bag full of goodies, told us about their jobs, and showed us lots of medicines. We even got to see all the different flavors they can use to make our Yucky medicines taste better!  Did you know they have chocolate??  We learned about a lot medicines today and how they work to keep us healthy.

Thank you Dilworth Drugs!

Once back at school, we did a really fun demonstration about how a sneeze spreads germs. I pretended to sneeze into my hand (which the kids thought was funny in itself), without covering my mouth, blowing a handful of pretend pom-pom germs all over the carpet! They went everywhere! That got the attention of everybody!  We gathered up all the germs and repeated the sneeze.  This time I sneezed into my elbow (like we've been talking about) and all the germs stayed in my lap.  It wasn't nearly as much fun, but we all agreed that I should keep my yucky germs to myself instead of getting them all over everybody else in the room!  A good, concrete experiment to remind us to cover our mouths. 

We watched some more videos and two songs about germs on the iPad. You wouldn't believe how engaged all the kiddos were!  Ms. Ellen and I had a good laugh at all their faces.  Some filled with awe and true learning.....some noses crinkled up with disgust.....some laughing and loving every minute of boy humor!  I guess that any of those is a good start to keeping them all healthy this winter!!

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