Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, February 16, 2012

We are building good character at TSGI preschool!  Today we took yesterday's Warm Fuzzy concept one step further and introduced Bucket Fillers!  I absolutely LOVE this idea!  If you don't have a vocabulary for "niceness" at your house, I suggest that you go out and buy one of these books and read it as a family.  It works!!

The concept is pretty simple......we all have invisible buckets that we carry around.  These buckets are filled up by the kind things others do and say.  Warm Fuzzies in action!  When we fill someone else's bucket with Warm Fuzzies, it fills our own bucket too!  When our buckets are full....we are happy.  When our buckets are empty, we are sad.  People can also be Bucket Dippers.  You dip into someone else's bucket by doing or saying things that are Cold Pricklies. 

The children were really excited about this new idea.  We have already talked about what "invisible" meant.....with the whole germs lesson.....and you all know how well they remember that lesson!  Then we added Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies.  And today, it all came together beautifully with THREE books.....that's right.....THREE books about Bucket Fillers!  Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McClourd and How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath were our favorites!  What a special treat for everyone.....one book read by Ms. Kelly and one book ready by Ms. Ellen!

We made pictures of our buckets today for art to help us remember what kinds Warm Fuzzies will keep our buckets full!  Smiling, listening, hugging, following directions, and presents were some favorites. 

We will continue with the Warm Fuzzy/Bucket Filler language for the rest of the year.....and have decided that next year, it will come much earlier in the curriculum!! 

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