Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One last book for an "emotional" week!  We have learned so many new vocabulary words to describe our feelings.....our conversations with each other have really changed!!  Today's book was Brave Lion, Scared Lion by Joan Stimson.  This is the story of two twin brother lions who have very different personalities.  One afternoon, ignoring their mother's directions, they head out to the river.  One brother jumps rocks across the river, while the other brother notices all the crocodiles.....that look like rocks. The brother on the shoreline races off to help his brother to safety.  Hence the name of the book....one brave lion and one scared lion!  This was also a good story to help remind us how bad things can happen when we don't listen to grown-ups!  We can never get enough reminders about that!!

It was such a beautiful afternoon.....we couldn't possibly spend the day inside.  We took our lunches to the park for a play day and a special picnic!  Since our last picnic was inside.....sitting at actual picnic tables.....outside.....like a real picnic....was a new experience!  The kids enjoyed the bigger playground at the park.  It was nice to watch the appropriately interact with other kids at the park. 

I have to tell you a funny story from the park.  There was an unnamed boy at the park with his mother.  He was eating a snack of apples while taking a break from playing.  His mother got up to push a sibling on a swing and the little boy decided he needed another apple.  At this exact moment....several of our kids happened to be in the area watching.  The boy dropped the apple slice.....picked it up.....blew it off....and ATE IT!  The gasps of horror from our kids was laughable!  They have internalized this germ business!  They ran over to tell the adults (in whispered voices) that the boy was going to have germs in his tummy.  He was definitely going to get sick.  We agreed that eating that apple was yucky.....but none of our business!!!  I guess that's a whole different lesson we haven't taught yet!!

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