Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

There are so many wonderful activities about The Five Senses!  Today we started with an overview of all the senses and what those associated body parts help us do!  We read You Five Senses by Melvin and Gilda Berger during our morning circle.  This book helped us learn some new vocabulary that the kiddos probably aren't used to using.  For example, we talked about sight instead of seeing....taste instead of eating...hearing versus listening...sniffing....LOTS of new words!!  Since today was all about smelling, we challenged the children to pay close attention to their sense of smell while on the playground!

Ahhhh.....the playground!  It was so beautiful outside today!  We made everyone wear their coats outside, but it didn't take long until there were more coats on the table than on little bodies!!  We even stopped for a cold drink of water on our way inside!  I hope this early warm weather isn't indicative of the summer we have coming!!

Our book of the day was You Smell With Your Nose by Melvin and Gilda Berger.  The book talks about smells that are strong and weak, smells that are sweet and sour, and smells that are good and yucky!  The children listened to the story, but were very eager to share the things that they "smelled" outside.  I have to tell you that I personally, did not smell any distinct smells, but the children.....they smelled everything!  Flowers, sand, grass.....and someone must have been eating ice cream nearby, because we smelled that too!!!

We will be science instead of art all week!  The kids acted disappointed at first, but they LOVED today's activity so much that they quickly forgot to be upset!  We had a variety of smells, each in a ziploc bag. There was grass, cinnamon, garlic, perfume, oranges, coffee, and vanilla.  We passed each bag around for smelling, then voted (thumbs up or thumbs down) whether we like it or not!  We have some VERY sensitive noses in our class!  Our adult predictions didn't hold true....I don't know why we even make them....they are never right.....the children liked smells that they probably shouldn't have and didn't like the ones that we thought they would! 

For the record there was no clear winner on the class favorite smell!  Everyone had a different favorite!  It was a good chance to talk about how everyone's nose is different.....and nobody is right or wrong about how something smells!!

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