Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Healthy foods!  That is the theme for the week!  Healthy is a difficult concept to explain, so we spent the morning talking about all kinds of things that are healthy, and make our bodies feel good and happy, and some not healthy things, that make our bodies and friends feel sad and sick.  It was a good way to review some of the vocabulary from last week too!

Our story today was Gregory, The Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat.  In the story, Gregory, who is a goat, won't eat the foods that goats usually eat.  He only wants to eat fruits and vegetables.  His parents think he is a terrible eater!  Finally, they get him to try some "goat" foods, like tires....and paper.....and shoes....and he gets a stomach ache from eating too much!  In the end, he decides to eat some healthy foods and some "goat" foods together!

The kids thought that the book was extra funny!  They laughed when the goat family ate foods that people wouldn't even think about eating!  We definitely classified that as "not healthy"!

During lunch, we had a special treat and watched a Reading Rainbow video about foods animals eat.  First, they read our story again, then they showed us several animals and talked about the foods that are  healthy for them to eat.  After the video, we talked about how animals and people don't eat the same foods.  We all need different things to keep us healthy!

Ms. Michelle came today with some awesome new things!  First, she had a hopscotch rug.  You could immediately tell who had some prior experience with hopscotch and who was seeing it for the first time!  They all loved it.....and the progress they made in just a few turns was amazing!  Ms. Michelle also had some large cardboard building bricks.  The plan was for the kids to copy patterns that the teachers made, using the same bricks in the same positions.  BUT.....we changed it up to reinforce some of our classroom goals!  We made the bricks into all kinds of letters!  It was so much fun and worked well until the kids wanted to make letters like S and R!  Leave it to them to stump the teacher!!!  Ms. Michelle also had a tracing and lacing station.  She knows that everyone is on the verge of learning to write and she is trying to help us with that!  Such concentration in that station.....you would have been very proud!!

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