Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day......oh what a FUN day at preschool!! 

As each child came in this morning, they were tasked with finding their friends "mailbox" and distributing their own Valentine's Day cards!  I predicted that they would all get distracted by what was already in the "mailboxes" or by what their friends were doing.....but as usual I underestimated the children!  They took their task so very seriously!  All business this morning!

We talked about why we celebrated Valentine's Day and came up with a TSGI consensus that I won't ever forget......we celebrate Valentine's Day to show people we love them AND to find out how much other people love us!!  Keep in mind that we only have one girl in the class, so obviously presents and cards are pretty important to the boys at this age too!!

Ms. Michelle came today.  We started with some yoga.  The kids love the picture animal cards that we try and imitate.....and today they took turns tracing letters on the back of the cards.  She also brought the white tunnel, which is always a big hit!  Ms. Michelle was in the Valentine spirit too.  She had empty heart shaped candy boxes with different patterns drawn on the bottom, just like candy.  She gave each kiddo a bag filled with brown foam "chocolates" to fit inside the drawn patterns.  A true Valentine puzzle!  Once we finished, she gave everyone a special gummy treat!! THANKS Ms. Michelle!

Our book today was The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond.  It's a cute story about a little girl named Cornelius Augusta and a special day when it rained hearts.  She collected the hearts, which were all different in a small way, and made Valentine's for her friends.  Each Valentine was special made for each friend!  After our story, we were off to deliver all the special Valentine's we made for our church friends!  What fun!  And a great way to practice talking to grown-ups we don't see all the time!

 Before we set-up for the party, we watched a quick Franklin Valentine video.  In the story, Franklin's class was having a Valentine party and they all had on Heart Hats.  We made those hats, which became known as "Franklin hats", and wore them the rest of the day!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the afternoon party!  Plates full of healthy snacks.....bags full of Valentine goodies......and big smiles all around!  I think everyone went home with little doubt about how loved they are!!  Happy Valentine's Day!!

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