Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Well.....yesterday's science experiment didn't quite finish it's "magic", so we will have to wait until next week to accurately report the results!!  The sample project looks beautiful.....I guess that just goes to show the unpredictability of science!!

The weather, however windy, was so much nicer today. During our morning circle when we changed the weather wheel from yesterday's rainy to today's sunny, the kids all cheered about getting to go outside!  It was kinda funny, but as an SLP, I had a true appreciation for their independent connections!!

We read The Snowman Storybook by Raymond Briggs.  This book is about a boy who builds a snowman that magically comes to life.  (I seem to be writing a lot about magic these days???) The boy and the snowman play, fly around the city, and run around the yard in the middle of the night.  The next morning he runs outside only to find his snowman melted away.  The kids LOVED the story.  They were so quiet and attentive.

For a special treat, we watched The Snowman movie.  It goes with the book (same story), BUT the movie has no words.  We prepared the kids for this and, although I'm not sure they understood ahead of time what that would mean, they were all perfectly quiet during the silent movie.  It was the opposite of what I expected to happen.  Afterwards, we talked about some of the ways the movie and the book were alike and some ways they were different.  The kids all had something to add about a time they had built a snowman.  The lunchtime conversation was very stimulating......and very unfacilitated.....just like little grown-ups.....discussing a recent film they had seen!  Too cute!! 


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