Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank You ImaginOn

ImaginOn is a wonderful place and today we got to experience that first hand!!  I don't think the kids knew what to expect when we headed out this morning, but it certainly turned out to be a full day of practicing practical language skills!

For children that typically move so quickly, our Out and About walking trips sure do move slowly!!  We arrived at the train station just as our train pulled away.  For a brief moment I thought of running to try and stop it......seven minutes to the next train could be an eternity......but, I shouldn't have worried.....our kiddos are experts at train riding!  A few songs to pass the time and everyone was fine!!

Ms. Cynthia was our special storyteller today.  She even had a schedule posted for the kids to see what was happening next. Just like in the classroom!!  She read stories, sang songs, and played some music with the children.  The story time started with The Whistle on the Train, which is very similar to The Wheels on the Bus.  Once she got through the first page, the kids (and the adults) figured out the drill and we all joined in.  It was a perfect beginning since we had just gotten off the train!!

Next came Ms. Cynthia's special friend, Felt Froggie. She told the story of Froggie Gets Dressed, who was so excited to play in the snow but kept forgetting warm winter clothing.  Several times his mother had to call him inside to take off clothes and get re-dressed!  The kids watched and listened and laughed!  They took every opportunity (raising their hands and answering questions) to participate in this story as well!

She also read to us about snow using two books: The Snowy Day and Snow, Snow, Snow.  I don't think Ms. Cynthia knew TSGI's theme for this month, but these books fit right in.  She even spent some time using the superlatives we practiced yesterday, as the kids made big, bigger, and biggest snowballs!  We didn't plan that.....but it definitely looked like we did!!  We ended our story time with some pretty special bubbles that you could actually touch without them popping!!  The kids LOVED that!!    Thank you Ms. Cynthia and ImaginOn for being wonderful hosts!!

Thanks to all the parents who joined us today!  It's nice to have extra hands and eyes!!  We always tell you how well the kids are behaved when we take them on our Out and About trips....it's even better when you can see it for yourself!

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