Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ask the children what you need to make a snowman and they all know the answer!  First you need snow.....that's the most important thing......and then you need to know how to make a snowball.  Three snowballs are necessary.  And today, we learned that the snowballs can't be the same size.  You need a big snowball.....a bigger snowball.....and the biggest snowball goes on the bottom.  What a great way to learn all about superlatives!!  Big, bigger, biggest......small, smaller, smallest.....LOTS of new vocabulary today!

Our book today was The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler.  It's a story about a girl whose BIG sister's say she is too LITTLE to help them do anything.  She takes a walk through the BIG forest and her animal friends, a reindeer, a rabbit, and a bear, ask her to show them how to make a snowman.  She tells them that she can't do it because she is too LITTLE.  They all work together to make the BIGGEST snowman anyone has ever seen.  Her sister's are especially surprised and impressed!  The kids all loved the story and helped out reading all the size words in the story.

For art today we made snowman using glue and wax paper.  We decorated the snowmen with stick arms (collected on the playground), jeweled eyes, and blue rice for some texture.  Hopefully, tomorrow after the glue dries we can peel the snowman off the wax paper and have a plastic-like snowman decoration.  This activity required more muscle than we expected.....it's hard work to squeeze out so much glue at one time! 

We did take some time today to check our "magic" snowflakes from last week.  Well.....don't tell the children.....but, we actually checked the new snowflakes that Ms. Ellen made at home!  They look just like the one's the children made....except this time the science actually worked!!  The borax made beautiful crystals that clung to the pipe cleaners.....just like the book said it would!!  We can't explain why the snowflakes we made at school didn't work, but you can see the Take 2 finished project hanging on the bulletin board outside our classroom!

The children have all learned a new song during circle.  They are so excited to know all the words that they ask to sing it multiple times a day.  It's The Opposite Song.  They hum it all day.....they are even starting to talk about opposites that aren't in the song.  It's the new class favorite!  I'm sure you've heard it.....you just may not have knew exactly what you were hearing!

Tomorrow is our trip uptown to ImaginOn.....the kids are so excited to ride the train again!!  Storytime is going to be an added bonus!  Dress warmly.....it's supposed to be really cold!!

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