Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hibernation sounds like a pretty good deal on days like today!!  The kids weren't so excited when I suggested that we hibernate all afternoon.....but, the teachers all thought it was a grand idea!!

In order to fully understand what bears do in the winter, today's language circle was "bear style".  The thing about bears is that they don't have beds to sleep in all winter.....so they have to look around and find a perfect, cozy cave.  After a short walk down the hall, my little blue "bears" found the perfect cave for hibernating.  It's amazing how much brown felt draped over a table looks like a cave!  Story time in a cave.....it was magical!! 

Today's book was a personal favorite, Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson.  In the story Bear is hibernating in his cave.  The weather outside becomes so horrible that several other animals come into the cave for shelter.  They each bring something and suddenly it becomes a party.  But, Bear snores on.  When Mouse adds pepper to the pot of soup they are making......well, you know what pepper does.... AAACHOOOO!! Bear wakes up!  At first he is upset because he missed the party, but they decide to keep dancing and singing late into the night.  The next morning, Bear is wide awake.....but, his friends snore on!!  So cute, and some really great vocabulary!

The kids loved being in the cave!  They declared it a Blue Friends ONLY cave......and they were just little enough to all fit inside.....it's always a good day when something so simple makes a story so memorable!!

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