Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The day was messy right from the moment the kiddos walked in the door!  The first direction was to push up their sleeves and find a place at the table.  Little piles of shaving cream was waiting at each seat.  Sensory building at it's finest......and the communication that we heard.....WOW!  We wrote letters in the shaving cream, drew pictures of snowmen and snowflakes, made shapes, and sooooo much more!  I think that most of them could have stayed there for hours!  It's a great at home activity.....just be prepared for the mess.....and the smell!  The distinct smell of shaving cream will linger all day!!

Today's book was Snow Woman by David McKee.  It was a story dedicated especially to Susannah!  In the book a little boy announces to his family that he is going outside to build a snowMAN.  His feminist little sister says that she is going outside too....but, she will be building a snowWOMAN!  The each have to find different clothes for their respective snowPEOPLE.  The boy gets clothes from his father and the girl borrows clothes from her mother.  It was a good way to practice pronouns.  He, she, his, and hers can be so confusing!!  There was lots of giggling during the story, which told me that the kids really liked it!

Art was snowman (or woman) pictures made from a mixture of glue and shaving cream.  Once this mixture dries it makes a very odd texture that looks wet, and feels kinda puffy, and makes you want to touch it again!  The kids had fun getting all messy again.  The only difference was that this time the messiness was a little thicker....and much harder to clean up!

We divided into centers after lunch for some different activities.  Ms. Ellen ran a writing center where the kids practiced tracing letters and writing their names.  I am so proud of how much progress they have all made!  They are proud too!  They want to show off their "work" to everyone in the room and they want to bring it home to show you!  Ms. Cortney and I wrapped the children in toilet paper and dressed them up like little snowmen (or women)!  They LOVED it!  We took lots of pictures!  I think that the most fun part for them was busting out of the mummy wrap toilet paper when the picture was over! 

Four trips to the bathroom to wash hands....and sometimes faces and arms.....in one day......makes for VERY tired teachers!!  Tired or not, it's still hard to believe that I get to call what I did today "work".....most work doesn't look like that!!  Feeling very lucky tonight!!!

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