Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wow!!  What a busy day!! 

Right after morning circle, we headed out for a day FULL of things that go by wheels!  We walked....and noticed cars and trucks and buses and police cars!  We go to the train station.....and noticed, just like in our book, the wheels on the track!  We even saw a group of bike riders out the train window!  Wheels are everywhere!

ImaginOn is always so much fun!  This time we joined the larger storytime group with many other kids that we didn't know.  And guess what the theme of storytime was.....transportation!!  We didn't even plan that!!  The leader was wonderful!  The kids were engaged and sang and participated appropriately.  She read three books:  Monkey Truck, Friday My Radio Flyer Flew, and Rocket Countdown.  She ended with bubbles....and the kids joined right in the chaos of children popping bubbles and laughing at each other. 

After that was over, we headed out for another walk.  This time our destination was the Transportation Center.  We told the kids that this is where all the city buses parked.  I'm not sure they understood what they were going to see, but they were excited!  I must tell you how very proud of them I was as we navigated through the noisy buses to find the exact one that would take us back to school!  Route 19!! 

The bus ride was a new experience....and one that the kids LOVED!!  I think the other passengers enjoyed the fresh perspective of little people riding the bus for the first time!  We looked out the windows, read the signs of things not allowed on the bus, and thanked the bus driver as we got off.  As we walked from the bus stop back to school for lunch....they all wanted to know when we could ride again! 

We usually do more walking on our Out and About trips than we did today.....but, finding new transportation through the city sure is fun!

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