Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When the day starts out with a shaving cream activity.....you know it's gonna be a FUN day!  It's so fun to watch the children when they first sit down at the table.  They always investigate the pile of shaving cream first.....then they might touch it with one finger....some even need some hand over hand to get started.  But once they get going.....it is everywhere!  In the hair...up to the elbows...on the face....on the shoes??  I can't really explain it all, but they LOVE it!! 

Today we read Curious George, The Boat Show by H.A. Rey .  This book was a perfect lead in to our main purpose of the day, which was to introduce the opposite concepts of sink and float.  George's friend Bill asks the troublesome monkey to watch his model boat before the boat show.  George accidentally sinks the boat.  He experiments with some other objects to find things that float so that he can make another boat before the show.  The kids all listened to Ms. Cortney read the story and then voted on their favorite kind of boat.

Science was a sink or float experiment that didn't quite turn out like expected!  After a vocabulary lesson, to make sure they understood the concepts.... something that floats stays on top of the water and something that sinks goes under the water.....the kids were ready to get near the water.  We had some visual cues to help us track the results of our experiment.  I really did think that a pencil and a wooden block would sink....but today I saw it with my own eyes....they float!  That just proves how important science experiments really are.....sometimes even grownups don't know all the answers!!

Ms. Angela came back today!  Her activities were all about running and jumping.  We practiced our crunches and jumping jacks from last time.  She was really impressed at how the kids have improved.  She had jumping balls that you could sit on.....the kids raced those in groups of two.  There were some falls, but everyone always gets up laughing with Ms. Angela.  She had a relay race, which is always fun!  This week she let everyone help start the races by yelling "GO"!  We ended the morning with one big jump off the high barrel.  The trick was that each kid had to stand on top and count to three before jumping!  I remember the first time she brought that barrel and some of kids cried because it seemed so high!  No tears this time.....and there were even several requests for TWO turns!!

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