Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Boats by Byron Barton introduced us to many different kinds of boats.  The kids were amazed at how many different kinds there were.  I attempted to draw some of them on our Water Transportation list, but my artist capabilities aren't really that skilled!

For science, we took some aluminum foil and predicted whether that would be a good material for making a boat.  Some liked it because it was shiny and some said it would be good because it was not heavy and would float.  They are getting better at making plausible predictions!!  Ms. Ellen demonstrated several ways to manipulating the foil....wadded up in a ball, with the sides folded up like a cup, and flat out.  The kids job was to decide which was the best boat and could hold the most pretend people.  We separated out into small groups (always a good idea when there is any quantity of water involved) and experimented.  I think my group liked sinking the "boat" and rescuing the pennies better than anything!!

Ms. Michelle came today!  She had some neat fine motor tasks that really keep the kids attention.  There were plastic hammers and nails with a train picture on top of thick foam.  The object was to find the dark circles and put the nails in using the hammer.  There were also tiny plastic fish and tweezers for the kids to move from one tub to another.  AND....She brought scooter boards this week!  The kids all remembered the vote and were so excited that Ms. Michelle followed through on her promise!  In groups of two, they took turns, holding on to long ropes and being pulled up and down the hallways on their tummies.  They quickly learn that they go faster if they extend their bodies and get their legs up off the ground!  Such a fun and good sensory activity for the kiddos.....and a good workout for the adults!!

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