Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Transportation is a VERY big word with lots of letters and FOUR syllables!  (And an obvious favorite topic!!)  After we practiced saying it several times, we talked about things that go using wheels.  Lots of everyday things use wheels.....and the kids could name a whole bunch of them!  We talked about cars, trucks, vans, bicycles, tricycles, unicycles, buses, jeeps, trains, and motorcycles.  I didn't realize that they knew so many!

Today's book was My Truck is Stuck by Kevin Lewis.  It's a story about a truck that's accidentally driven into a gopher hole. All kinds of different vehicles (car, van, bus) arrive to try and pull it out, but none can help until the tow truck arrives!  The whole time the drivers are trying to get the truck unstuck.....the gophers are working to empty the dump truck's load of bones!  At the end the tow truck pulls out the dump truck and everyone goes on their way.....but the dump truck is empty!

We explored all kinds of cars and trucks during centers today, and even went out to look at the wheels on the big transfer truck in the parking lot.  We determined that it was missing some wheels and place for the driver to sit.....so that truck is stuck......just like the one in our book.  It's nice when something real life happens to support the vocabulary and literature in the classroom!! And we didn't even plan it that way!!

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