Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, December 1, 2011

 Today was a most appropriate day for a talk about the police because ALL the children needed a special reminder how important it is to follow the rules and listen to your teacher!  We even tried to send some of them away with Officer Wade.....to no avail.....so we just sent them home with you for the weekend.....sorry!!

Our book today was A Visit to the Police Station by Patricia Murphy.  It helped us learn about what policemen do and the station where they work.  We talked about some new vocabulary words and made a scavenger hunt list of things to look for when our special visitor came. 

For art, we made police badges.  Everyone colored a badge and we mounted it on aluminum foil to help make it shiny.  We also took everyone's fingerprints.  The book told us how police use fingerprints to help find the bad guys, so we did ours so we could see what they look like.

We used special license plates with our names on them.  We used them as we pretended to drive around the room and find the letters of our names.  The kids are getting better at identifying and naming the letters of their names.  The more ways we practice it, the easier it gets for them!

We ended the day with a visit from Officer Wade.  He had on his police uniform and brought his police car for us to see.  After a review of our scavenger hunt list, the children took over the police to see what they could find.  When I say "took over".....that is exactly what I mean!  They were in the front seat.... in the back seat.....in the drivers seat.....turning on the windshield wipers.....turning on the lights......it was OUT OF CONTROL!!  Then Officer Wade let the children "try on" the handcuffs.  It was probably an effort to contain some of them who were definitely overstimulated!!  We got some really cute pictures!  He did leave the children with an important message.....Stay safe and be nice to your teachers!!  Maybe he should have come earlier in the day!!!

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