Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Singing Bears Out and About

What a wonderful day!  We had so much fun on the Out and About today....and the weather cooperated!  I'm not sure who enjoyed themselves more; the kids, the parents, or the teachers!
Lots of smiles on the way there.....lots of yawns on the way back!

We started the day with a walk to the train station.  The kids were all such good listeners and waited so patiently for the train to arrive. They were so excited when we actually boarded the crowded train that they didn't even mind having to stand up.  As long as they could see out the windows, their smiles never faded! 

After we got off the train, we begun a full-fledged holiday experience of uptown!  We rode elevators.....yes plural!  Each time, we all rode together....it's a good thing the children are tiny or we couldn't have all fit.  We rode escalators.....again plural!  We used public bathrooms!  We saw huge Christmas trees and life size gingerbread houses!  We even walked through the very swanky Ritz Carlton hotel!  And that was all BEFORE we even made it to the Singing Bears!!

The children had a quick snack of Chex and apples while they waited on the next show!  For the first few songs, they sat on the benches and watched in awe.  Then they needed to get a closer look!  They took turns and shared space up at the front with some other small children there to see the show.  The Bears show is LONG.....too long for small children.  And the choice of songs that the Bears sing, doesn't include all the kid-friendly favorites that you might expect.  Santa Baby?  Really??  We made about 30 minutes and then the kids were clearly ready to go.  So.....we quietly lined up on the rope and started making our way to the train station! 

The ride home was just as exciting, expect the kids all got to sit in seats this time!  Because the children were tired.....which translate to moving slower.....Ms. Cortney and Ms. Tiffany almost got closed up in the train doors as we herded everyone out at our final stop!  Yawns and whining peppered the walk back to school.  The kids were exhausted and hungry!  They definitely had a full day of Out and About!

Thank you so much for all the parents who helped out on our trip today.  It makes the trip so much more special when Mommies and Daddies come too.  Special thanks to Susannah's Dad who led us around uptown like our own personal tour guide!

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