Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The mayors of the Speech Garden Preschool Community are extremely tired!  And opening FOUR new stores and organizing a town production in ONE week.....nearly exhausting!  We are so excited to show you all our efforts tomorrow!  We practiced the play, and practiced working the stores, and practiced our songs today!  It was a crazy, busy day trying to get ready for families tomorrow.

We read Merry Christmas Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood.  It's a story about a little mouse who decides to share presents and decorations with bear even though he is afraid of bears.  We talked about sharing and being a good friend.  At the end of the story, it turns out that bear isn't mean at all.  He even gives mouse a big present. We took turns guessing what might be inside because the book doesn't tell us. The children loved talking about the book.  They were able to find several things from our play in the book. 

We had been telling the children all day that after lunch we would open the presents from their friends.  Everyone showed great patience (and restraint) because the presents sat on a table in classroom unbothered all day!  I had prepared for such chaos and mayhem during this present time!  You will be very pleased to know that those fears were completely off target.  It was actually fairly organized.  We opened presents one at a time, with friends giving their presents to each other, while other friends waited for a turn.  No tears or tantrums!  Special thanks to all of you who gave presents who made loud noises!!! Those are always fun to send to someone else's house! 

The teachers gave all the kids presents too.  Each child was able to find their name from all the presents.  Inside they found a workbook and a pop-up book.

Tomorrow is such a big day!  We have so many special things planned!  I hope that you all will be able to join us!  First stop, Speech Garden Community......next stop, BROADWAY.....well, maybe!! 

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