Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The big news of the day was that we assigned parts for the Holiday Show and there were NO tears or angry faces!!  I couldn't believe it!  I was prepared for complete meltdowns!!

We practiced the play and our songs several times this morning and, although I don't know what you will see on Thursday, the kids all participated and know their parts!  We even learned how to bow and curtsy while people clap for us at the end of the show.  Hint:  make sure there is a lot of clapping at the end of the show so we can demonstrate our bowing and curtsy-ing!

We finished up our projects for the community store today.  I can't wait for you all to see the wonderful things that we have to sale. We have been talking about how the parents will come and buy our things.  The children are so excited to work in the stores while you shop and buy.  The TK kiddos wrote the names of our stores on big signs and our class decorated each sign with matching pictures. 

Ms. Michelle came today and led an action packed session.  We started with some Finger Fun.  The kids used different size tweezers to pick up pom poms.  She had a variety of shapes and animals that had suction cups on the back.  They placed one pom pom on each suction cup to decorate their animal.  It was a fun way to practice one to one correspondence while strengthening our muscles.  You could tell by all the serious faces that the kids were really concentrating.  She had tunnels set up all over.  One long tunnel for crawling through, and one shorter, stiffer tunnel for rolling around.  Ms. Michelle had colored frogs for tossing into matching colored hats.  It was fun to watch two kids work together and take turns to match all the frogs!

We did find time to read a story today after we completed our crafty projects.  We read Bear Stays Awake for Christmas by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.  It's a story about a group of animal friends who won't let Bear sleep through Christmas.  They find and decorate a tree, hang stockings, sing songs, and wrap presents.  The whole time Bear is yawning and getting more sleepy.  His friends finally fall asleep while Bear works to make their presents.  When the friends wake up to open the presents, Bear finally falls asleep.  The kids all had lots of questions about why Bear would sleep through Christmas.  They just couldn't comprehend.

The kids are all so excited about the gift exchange tomorrow!  It's going to be a fun day! 

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