Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We all made it through the very busy day, but we were definitely falling apart and ready for naps at the end of the day!! Out and About days are so much fun. It's a good thing that they take up most of the day, because we don't have much energy (or attention) left after the walk back!

The day started with Ms. Angela. She was teaching us all about baseball. We learned the names of all the bases and even got a chance to hit three balls off a tee! The kids were all so excited. There were baseballs going in all different directions....some close and some far....some forward and some backward.....but we are all good sports and cheer for our friends no matter what!

Immediately after that, we headed to Fire Station #2. The walk to our destination is always much slower than the walk home, so LOTS of encouragement is needed to keep the little feet moving! We rang the bell and the fireman came and to let us in. The first thing we got to see was the big, red, firetruck! We had all been looking forward to this. The firemen asked us questions about the things that we had been learning and we were able to tell them about 911, stop, drop, and roll, and crawling under the smoke. They were so impressed!

We got to climb in the firetruck and see where the firemen sit on their way to a fire. It was so big, everyone needed help getting up inside. We sat in front of the lockers where the firemen keep their things and watched as Fireman Joe showed us all the clothes they have to wear to a fire to keep them safe. He got dressed and told everyone not to be afraid of him if he ever needed to come to their house to help them. We all took turns giving him a high five to show that we weren't scared.....even though he did look different with the mask on!

The firemen showed us where they sleep, the kitchen where they make all their food, and the place where they watch TV. It looked just like the rooms we all have in our houses! The opened up the special garage and let us take some pictures in front of the parade truck with the big ladder on top. They also gave us each a coloring book and our very own fire hat! Fire Station #2 was great and the firemen were so helpful. We learned so much while we were there today!

After a nice quiet lunch, we all put on our new hats and pretended to be firemen. There were so many new things to practice......one child even said "Who will cook our food??". It's a whole new perspective once you get to go behind the scenes!!!

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