Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dr. Wheelock's got nothing on us!!  Today WE were the vet for all the animal puppets.  We checked out their eyes, noses, mouths, felt their tummies, gave them shots, band-aids, and big hugs!  There were sick turtles, and sick bears, and sick birds....even a sick kangaroo!! 

Our book today was Sally Goes to the Vet by Stephen Huneck.  It's a story about a dog named Sally that is playing with her friend Bingo the cat.  She is running and doesn't see the tree in front of her.  She bumps her head and falls down.  Her people daddy takes her to the vet, who checks her out.  After a shot, he sends her home and tells her she will feel better soon. 

In art we made Sally puppets.  Everyone colored spots on their "Sally", then we gave her two eyes, one nose, and a red tongue.  We had fun putting the puppets on our hands and barking at all the other dogs in the room!

Ms. Angela came today.  We did more catching and throwing.  It was tricky this time because we had to stay inside because the courtyard was occupied.  After our warm-up, Ms. Angela gave everyone ribbons on a stick.  We had to listen closely to the directions and twirl the ribbons where she said.  We moved them high, low, and side to side.  Then we switched hands and did the same thing!  The kids loved it....and it sure was pretty to watch all the different colors flying around the room.  Then Ms. Angela had four catching/throwing stations set up around the room.  The kids could choose from bean bag toss, basketball, throwing to a friend, and velcro tennis target.  I think that all the kids took a turn at each activity, with some teacher prompting, but it was clear by the end that everyone had a specific favorite that they kept coming back to.  Ms. Angela is so encouraging and patient.....AND she is teaching us so much!

We caught up on Show and Tell today too.  The kids are really improving in their ability to listen and ask questions.  There was even some follow-up conversation between kids as we walked to dismissal!  It's really neat to think back to the first day we did Show and Tell and remember how much talking the adults had to do.....now there's always a kid taking the lead! 

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