Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No pictures today!  I knew when we got assigned the Thursday spot, we were in trouble!  I guess they don't know about the Thursday curse!!  So.....of course, you got your children all dressed up.....and it rained!  We'll try again next week!!

Our community helper for the day was teachers.  It was a really fun way for the kids to show off what they know!  We talked about what teachers do and say and look like!  We decided to do art early today because we were going to use the project for the rest of the day.  We made teacher pointers.  The kids have been learning the first letter of their name, so we took some letter tiles and stuck them to the end of the pointer so we could know which one belonged to which child.  Oh the pointing we did!!  We pointed to letters....and numbers....and shapes....and colors.....and the days of the week.....and the weather chart..... and the schedule....and our letter of the week!  We pointed to pictures in books.....we pointed to items around the classroom.....we pointed to our friends names!  This art project was easily the most favorite of the year so far!  The funny part is that when you ask the children in your class to "be the teacher", you get to see yourself like they see you.  They do what you do and say what you say.  They even copy your not so attractive mannerisms!  Someone famous said that imitation is the highest form of flattery.  Not sure about the accuracy of that, but they sure were cute!

The book today was Teacher; Sharing, Helping, Caring by Patricia Hubbell.  The book went through all the things that the teacher helps the children do and learn through the school week.  We talked about how the kids in the book did some of the same things that we did everyday.  Everyone was a really good listener for the whole story.

Today was an extra-ordinary, inside day!  No pictures like we planned.  No playground time because of the rain.  No Out and About.  BUT.....I think the kids had just as much fun today as any day.  It's not very often that the children get to stand up and tell the whole class what to do.....and they never get to do it with the teacher's permission!!!

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