Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I hope the kiddos got lots of rest while they were out of school because there was so much going on today, there wasn't even time for Show and Tell!  Don't worry....we will make it up tomorrow!  We continued with the monthly Community Helpers theme, talking today about a special helper for animals.....a veterinarian!

Ms. Michelle started our day with some Kid Yoga.  The kids all love to try and copy the movements of the people on the picture cards.  Stretching, and reaching, and balancing.....helps us practice moving our body in space.  Then we painted trees with textured paint brushes (handles with rags and sponges on the ends).  It was really neat how using these tools left a pattern on the paper!  While that dried some, we each went through the favorite blue tunnel a few times.  No hesitation from anybody.....even a little pushing to get to the front of the line!!  Amazing what a difference a few weeks makes!  We finished the session by adding thumb-print apples to our trees.  The red paint was sparkling with glitter, so it was especially fun to get on our fingers!

Our book of the day helped us learn some important facts to get ready for the Out and About.  It was called I Want to Be a Veterinarian by Michaela Muntean.  Ernie, from Sesame Street, took his dog Barkly to the vet's office.  There were pictures of all kinds of animals in the waiting room that a vet can see in his office.  We even learned about special vets who see animals at the farm and at the zoo!  The story told us all about Barkly's visit to the vet and how he even got medicine to make him feel better.

Our Out and About today was a trip to Dilworth Animal Hospital.  Dr. Wheelock and his staff were so friendly and helpful.  They showed us how they examine a sick animal, just like the people doctor examines us when we don't feel well.  It just so happens that Dr. Wheelock's furry little dog, JubJub, was sick today, so we got to watch the doctor check him out!  First, he used a special light to look in his eyes.  We all got a turn to look in a friend's eyes.  Then, the doctor used another tool to look in JubJub's ears.  He checked his mouth and teeth, then felt his tummy and fur.  We helped Dr. Wheelock figure out that JubJub had a tummy ache!  After he starts taking his special doggie medicine, he should feel better in a few days!

The highlight (for the kids) was the THREE lizards that we got to see!  They each looked very different.  One even had a blue tongue!!  Dr. Wheelock helped us touch two of the lizards very gently.  One was soft, and the other one felt very rough!  The staff at the office commented how very calm and engaged all the kids were!  Wow!  We have come a LONG way from our first Out and About where everyone was falling apart before we made it back to school!

Today was a fun day and the bright sunshine was beautiful!  It certainly didn't feel like the second week in November is supposed to feel outside!  In a month where we celebrate thankfulness.....the weather definitely made the list today!!

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