Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today started out as a chilly morning, but ended up being a beautiful afternoon! We began October with an overview of our new theme On The Farm. The kids were all very excited to share what they already knew about the farm and the animals that lived there. We read Barnyard Banter, which is a story about a lot of different animals from the farm and the sounds that they make. The kids enjoyed pretending to be each animal and matching sounds to pictures.

Ms. Michelle was back again today and we did Kid Yoga in the courtyard! The kids took turns drawing out cards that had visuals of each movement, and we tried our best to make our bodies look like the pictures. It was a great way to stretch out our muscles! Ms. Michelle is all about messes and today was no exception! She gave each child a bowl and some "white stuff" (corn starch) to mix with water. If you've never made this concoction at home, I strongly recommend it! It turns into a crazy mixture that is hard, but runny like a liquid when you pick it up. After the kids made the decision to actually touch it, we had trouble getting them to be finished touching it! So.....any stray patches of white on their clothes or in their hair.....no worries, it's just corn starch! Ms. Michelle promises to send a list of messy activities next week for you all to try at home. No reason we should have all the fun at school!!

No puddles on the playground today, but our class is making fast friends with the Weekday school and today everyone was playing with a new friend. Gianni was digging in the mulch, Reid was swinging, Jack was climbing, Susannah was riding a bike, and Henry was cooking in play kitchen. It was really neat to watch them divide off and play with the other kids!

Art today was cotton ball sheep. We talked about descriptive words like fluffy and soft. The kids really liked this simple project. Centers were full of new farm inspired toys, like a See N Say, a farm puzzle, and some Lace and Trace animals. The farm toys that we always have were old news!

We all missed our friend Garrett today! We hope he feels better and can join us again tomorrow! Special congratulations to Joseph and his family as they welcome a new baby sister!

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