Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Thursday, October 27, 2011

FINALLY a Sunny Day....

We broke the curse!!  Today was beautiful!  Our Out and About simply couldn't have been better!  We arrived at the pumpkin "patch" to find ourselves all alone!  In true Speech Garden fashion, we turned it into our very own learning playground!  The kids were running around touching the pumpkins, trying to pick up the pumpkins, yelling at each other to come look at this pumpkin, and even sitting on the pumpkins.  Since the owner was no where in sight.....we let the children explore however they wanted.  It was great!  We found a jack-o-lantern that had withered in the sunshine.  We found a pumpkin with a mysterious hole in the back of it.  We found pumpkins that looked like green apples.....little pumpkins.....big pumpkins.....pumpkins that rolled around.....pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!  It was SO much fun!

Our class worked together to pick the most perfect pumpkin for our journey to the park!  It was really hard for everyone to agree on just one.....but with some persuasion.....we did it!  Thank you to Ms. Tiffany's mom, Mrs. Lorraine, for driving all the back packs and our special pumpkin back to school!  Seven blocks is a long way to carry a pumpkin!! 

The walk to the park was full of things to talk about.....a bike club waving at the kids, trucks blowing their horns, people in cars waving.....we sure do get a lot of attention while we are Out and About!  At the park we used descriptive words to make sentences about our pumpkin.  Everyone took a turn holding it and trying to pick it up.  THEN.....we (or I) cut it open to see what was inside!  I wish you could have seen their faces!  We had spoons to get the seeds and the pulp out, but mostly everyone just used their hands!  All the insides went into a bowl that was, after we finished, full of a super slimy and bright orange mixture!  Of course, we didn't stop there!  We gave our pumpkin two triangle eyes, a triangle noise, and a happy mouth!  The kids all watched with amazement as the pumpkin turned into a jack-o-lantern! 

After all that hard work, we couldn't leave the park without stopping for some fun playground time!  The kids love that playground!  Big slides, swings, bouncy toys, a huge jungle gym, and LOTS of room for running around!  There is no complaining and I think that we could stay there all day!  But....when the big kids from the elementary school head down the hills, it's time for us to grab the rope and go home!

When we got back to school, we only had time for lunch and Show and Tell.  The kids are typically tired and quiet after a long walking Out and About, but today, with our jack-o-lantern as a table centerpiece, there was so much to talk about!  And when Evan announced that he had Halloween treat bags for everyone, it was a fabulous way to end a great day!  Enjoy the weekend and the Halloween holiday!   

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