Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And we thought yesterday was messy!  Today the mess wasn't exactly planned.....but, it is true that everyone went home in different clothes than they arrived in this morning.  The puddles on the playground were irresistable!  And once the kids figured out that the adults didn't really mind the splashing or running through the puddles....they got a little carried away!  You know the saying about give them an inch.....well.....it's totally true!  Regardless of the mess, everyone had so much fun.  We took some really great videos that I will try and post later.

Ms. Angela came today and did another lesson on balancing.  There were relay races where you had to run down to the other end, get a bean bag, and balance it on your head while you walked back.  Not everyone could make it the whole way, but there was some evidence of really good problem solving skills while kids tried to figure it out!  Ms. Angela also had this really long, multi-colored balance beam that snaked around the room.  In pairs, kids had to use good listening skills and navigate from color to color without falling off the beam.  After that, each child took a turn on the dizzy disc.  A dizzy disc is a round, spinning disc that turns when you twist your body.  Everyone needed to hold Ms. Anglea's hand while on the disc because it turns really fast.  After the initial shock wore off, they all loved it and asked to take another turn before we left!

Every activity today incorporated seeds.  The touch and feel pool had many different kinds of seeds.  We talked about how each kind (corn, sunflower, pumpkin, grass, and pinto beans) all look very different.  The book today was Planting Seeds by Amy Jo.  It is about a boy and a girl who plant all kinds of vegetable seeds to grow a garden.   In art, we made a seed mosiac, where we took the seeds from the touch and feel pool and glued them to our flower picture.  For science, we took turns and worked together to plant a seed in a pot.  We sang a song to help us remember the things our seed will need to grow into a plant.  The song says, "We plant seeds.  We plant seeds.  The rain, and the sun, and the flowers grow."  We will keep giving our seed what it needs, and watch to see what happens!

We had a special treat today that Joseph and his Mommy made to share with our class.  It was Dirt Dessert.  He kept giving hints all day about his Show and Tell was in the kitchen.....his Show and Tell had worms.....and dirt.  Susannah and Garrett enjoyed asking questions and making guessing.  Reid, Henry, and Jack enjoyed eating the wonderful dessert, and Gianni like stirring and cleaning up.  It was a tasty (and messy) way to celebrate our theme for the week. Thank you so much, Joseph and Jenn!

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