Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The frog life cycle is a pretty neat thing to see....especially through the eyes of our children.  We learned all kinds of new vocabulary words that describe how a frog grows:  from egg, to tadpole, to froglet, into adult frog.  The kids had already completed a chart about all the things they knew about frogs.....which was quite a lot, but now they have some new "grown up" words to use too!

Susannah brought in a toy kit that had pieces for each stage of the frog's life cycle.  She told us all about each one as she showed them to the class.  The kids took turns talking about similarities and differences from each stage. The asked the best questions!  Turn taking, sharing, asking and answering questions, listening....it was one of those priceless (however, unplanned) teaching moments!

The book today was Too Many Frogs by Sandy Asher.  In the story, Rabbit lives alone. He cooks for himself, cleans up for himself, and at the end of the day, reads himself a story. It's a simple life, and he likes it. But one evening, Froggie shows up at his door. He wants to listen to Rabbit's story, too. While eating a snack-or three. While lounging on a pillow-or ten. And bringing over his family-dozens and dozens of frogs! Rabbit has finally had enough; Froggie will have to go! But when he sits down alone to read himself a story, Rabbit realizes something is missing: someone to listen; someone to share a wonderful story.  Froggie is missing!!

The discussion after the story turned from frogs to sharing, using warm fuzzies, and making friends.  The book is so cute, but I didn't think that the kids would hone in on the character lessons within.  I'm continuously suprised by them!  Despite all the whining, arguing, and frustrations that naturally come with a group of 4 and 5 year olds.....they truly are kind little people, and geniunely care about each other!

On a side note.....THREE MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!!!

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