Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Airplanes, jets, hot air balloons, hang gliders, blimps, helicopters, and rockets are just a few of the things we added to our transportation "through the air" list!  Rockets and spaceships were the class favorite.  We had a momentary diversion where we had to talk about ailens and little green men, but we recovered quickly and got back on track!!  So many questions from the children....and never a dull moment!!

Today's book was Flying by Gail Gibbons.  This book reviews all the ways that people can travel by flying.  We learned a big new vocabulary word: aviation.  It's so funny to watch the children experiment with a fancy new word!  The kids were so excited to add each one to our list. 

Our rocket ship art was held together with A LOT of tape and a few prayers!  It had way too many pieces and steps to be deemed "easy to do", and I thought the finished project looked a little like a dragonfly.....but, the kids loved blasting them off into outer space.....so it turns out they were just perfect.  Lesson for today....true art really is about perspective!!

Outside time was quite warm today.  No jackets needed.  I even saw some beads of sweat on the foreheads of some of the boys.  It was so beautiful and sunny.  Ms. Angela was out sick today so we spent some extra time outside to burn off some of the Wednesday, middle of the week weather. 

We ended the day with Ms. Cortney's stomp rocket.  WOW!  The kids really liked seeing another way that air can make things go.  They each took a turn and ran to get the rocket, reloaded, and launched!  We must have counted backwards from 5 at least 20 times today! 

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