Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Daily Events from our Three's and Four's Classroom

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray! We made it 100 days!!

Well.....our class hasn't exactly been to school 100 days yet.....but....we certainly weren't going to miss out on the opportunity to have a celebration that centers around counting!!  What could be more fun....and educational, of course!!

Our massive undertaking of an art/math project today was making 100 day hats!  They turned out really cute and the kids LOVED making them, but the adults had their work cut out for them managing 100 objects for EIGHT children!!  Ms. Ellen, Ms. Cortney, and I each ran a center that the kids rotated through.  In each center, the children put 10 of each object on a blue strip.  There were stickers, cotton balls, noodles, rice, letters, dots, and beans.  After they had been to all the centers, each child had 100 items.....and had counted to 10 what seemed like a million times!!

What great fun.....and SOOOOO much math!!

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